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Sunday 20 May 2012

Cure A Bad Mood !!!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we like to hang on to our bad moods? We don't even want to consider how to cure a bad mood much less do it. Making a conscious effort to shift our thinking from what seems like an addictive state to a positive one is a powerful choice. This one decision cannot only alter our day but practiced regularly can alter our lives!
Bad moods become bad days, which become bad weeks, which become bad months and years. Before you know it, you’re living an unhappy life and you probably think this is ‘normal’. It’s a shame, because life can and should be wonderful. You can transcend the circumstances that are pulling you down … you need only to learn how.”
- Brenda Anderson
You’re having another bad day. Your Internet is down. You discover a past-due credit card bill. The salesclerk rings up your order wrong. A traffic jam makes you late.
cure a bad moodOh, nothing catastrophic occurs, just a series of frustrating delays, minor mishaps, and dropped details that, cumulatively, make you crazy. All at once you realize you’re in a terrible mood, again. In fact, it’s hard to remember the last time you were in a really good mood.
At times, you feel awesome. At other times, you want the world tojust bequiet. The bad news is that bad moods can be easy to acquire. The good news is, they can be just as easy to break.
The catch is that you have to want to break the mood. So, before a bad mood gets the best of you or your family, friends or coworkers, read these helpful tips to get over it and get on with it:
1. Divert your focus
Sometimes you find yourself in a bad mood for no good reason. It could be because you aren’t doing anything productive. Find a project to focus on. The task doesn’t have to be a long or complicated one. It could be as easy as washing your car or finishing painting the backyard fence.
The point is to find something where you get tangible results. In turn, you will feel gratified, and feeling gratified is a great way to lift a bad mood.
2.Change yourbody posture
Happy and energetic individuals take big steps, walk faster and stand taller. They seem to exude an endless supply of energy. In sharp contrast, pessimistic, unhappy and lifeless people shuffle their feet, take tiny steps, walk slowly and slouch. They appear lifeless and have burned–out their batteries.
Watch how you carry your body. Use the body-posture of happy, optimistic people, such as take big steps, walk faster and stand taller. Using these techniques will help you become happy and energetic. They are easy to carry out, and will create a positive domino effect with people in your life.
3. Take a break and have a cup of tea
Sit quietly for 15 minutes. And keep your mind blank. Be one with yourself.
Often the silence is enough tochange yourmood. Sitting quietly keeping your mind off everything brings you back.
You can try doing this while having a cup of hot tea.
4. Find something that is guaranteed to make you smile
It might be looking through old photo albums or popping in your all-time favorite movie. Engaging your senses or reliving fond memory is the perfectticketout of Bad Moodville.
5. Pick some music and listen to it
Almost everyone is familiar with the saying that music soothes the savage beast, and it’s certainly true when the beast is a bad mood.
Music is one of the most effective fast fixes for a bad mood. The next time you’re in a bad mood, try blasting it away with a favorite song. Something that makes you smile and dance will get rid of your blues in a flash, but there are plenty of options beyond a upbeat and cheery tune. To shake off a bad mood, try turning on some seriously angry music like punk rock or heavy metal, and turning it way up.
Misery loves company, and so long as you do it right, a blast of negativity can actually help lift your bad mood! Just take a deep breath when the song is over, and you’ll feel refreshed as your bad mood flies away.
6. Stay in the present
Appreciate the mundane by focusing on the activities you do without thinking like eating, bathing, walking. Take notice of how goodthe waterfeels in the shower, how soft or hard the ground feelson your feetas you walk or just silently eat your meal and really taste it.
7. Give
When you’re in a bad mood, you may feel like it’s all about you. Your problems are so overwhelming that you deserve to dwell in them. Instead of giving in to this way of thinking, just try giving.
Gather up those size 4 clothes that you haven’t been able to fit in sincehigh schooland donate them to the Salvation Army. Volunteer at the local soup kitchen for a few hours. When you witness other people’s problems, your problems might seem miniscule in comparison, therefore easier to solve.
8. Avoid emotional vampires
Do you attract emotional vampires or losers into your life? Are you a loser magnet?
Emotional vampires and losers literally drain our batteries, slow us down and make us upset. To become happier, optimistic and energetic - avoid emotional vampires. Unhappy people allow “emotional vampires” to suck their positive feelings right out of their skulls. Emotional vampires include people who put you down, criticize or mock you, or sabotage your dreams and aspirations.
Discard or limit people, habits or situations that keep you from feeling optimistic and happy. In other words, ‘burn your bridges’ if needed. Remember: Happy and optimistic people hang around with personal cheerleaders. Unhappy people surround themselves with emotional vampires.
9. Overpower bad mood with an exercise high
This is a great way to relieve bad mood and get those endorphins going. Even if it’s a walk around the block or jogging on the treadmill, exercise has a way of making you feel energized quickly.
You also become more in tune with your body and what it’s actually capable of, making you feel strong and accomplished.
10. Watch what you say - and never say words such as “try”
To begin acting like happy and optimistic people, you need to learn what they do. Optimistic people act and talk in certain ways. For example, they use certain words. The words people use can affect their moods and energy levels. Changing your words can actuallychange yourattitude and feelings. Use “upbeat” words, instead of “upset” words. For example, you can say, “I feel overwhelmed” which is upsetting. Or, you can say, “I feel challenged …nevertheless I can do it” which is upbeat.
One of the most interesting differences between happy and unhappy people is that happy people never or rarely use the word ‘try’ or ‘but.’ These two words leave people feeling hopeless and not in-control of their lives.
Happy people feel hopeful, and take tons of responsibility for their lives. The words ‘try’ and ‘but’ are excuses, and unhappy people have a bad case of ‘excuse-itis.
11. Pack anEmergency Bad Mood Kit
Here is another great tip:
An emergency bad mood kit can mean the difference between spending your day in an angry funk and spending your day feeling vibrant and calm.

To make an emergency bad mood kit, just grab a plastic bag or a small box and fill it with tiny treats that you know will make you feel great. There are lots of different “treats” that will lift a bad mood, so think creatively. A favorite snack can do the trick, but so will something with a lot of sentimental value, or an item that you find particularly aesthetically pleasing.
Whether it’s a photograph of a favorite place, or a morsel of something especially tasty, the fun of breaking open your bad mood kit to discover the fun fast fixes forthe bluesthat you’ve hidden away is sure to bring a smile to your face.
Happiness is a process, something that you have to find and foster just like everything else in your life. So,get off your behind and grab your share of sunshine!
Consider this, how many times have you caught yourself wanting bad things to happen to perpetuate that "Bad Day" you are having? It's time to live consciously and to choose a positive path for ourselves. Once you start the ball rolling in the other direction you will be surprised at how good things can really be !

Saturday 21 April 2012

Quotes Directory

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Quotes motivate,inspire and teach, and help you look at life from a different broader perspective. Quotes are condensed pieces of wisdom that enlighten th mind and awaken it to truth and wisdom.

Quotes are Like a beacon that guides you to light,inspiration and happiness.

Reading inspiring quotes every day will make you feel happier, stronger and inspired...!!!

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Inspiring Stories on Spirituality and Mind Power

Welcome to the stories page!
Here you can find inspiring stories about spirituality, inner strength, inner peace, spiritual growth and about the powers of the mind. The stories show the power of thought in action, and speak about the spirit that is beyond the mind. These stories are meant to teach, inspire, and motivate.
Spiritual power and mind power have always fascinated mankind. These are powers that come from within, and which everyone possesses to some degree. They can be strengthened and expressed in daily life through inner work, exercises and meditation. They hold the key to spiritual growth, self growth and to improving one's life.
Stories have always been used to teach, inspire and motivate. I hope and believe that the following stories will do the same. Treat them more than just inspiring stories. Read them attentively and you will find information and guidance about developing and increasing your spiritual power and mind power.
Click on the links below to read the spiritual and mind power stories.

The Tiger

The Villager and the Happy Man

The Power of Thoughts

The Elephant and the Fly

The Mind and the Stormy Ocean

The Swamis and the Mysterious Light

Feelings and Emotions Energize Your Thoughts

Visualize and Achieve

Visualize and Achieve

Discover how to use your imagination and mental powers to improve your life and to achieve dreams and goals.

Most of you have probably heard or read about creative visualization. Some of you have perhaps tried it. The idea is that by visualizing a mental image of a desired object or situation, you can attract it into your life. In this way you can change and shape your life, behavior and circumstances.
This technique utilizes the power of thoughts, but thoughts alone are not enough to make things happen. Some additional ingredients are required to energize the thoughts into action. These ingredients are your feelings and emotions.
What makes you take action, a cold uninteresting thought, or one charged with emotion?
What kind of lecturer rivets your attention, someone who talks in a boring, listless manner, or a lecturer who talks with zest and emotion?
People, actions and thoughts charged with emotion make a stronger impact. This is why it is important to add emotions to your thoughts, if you wish to manifest them. Feelings and emotions put life into thoughts and make them produce effect in the external world, the same way that electricity make electrical appliances work. Both electricity and thoughts require some sort of energy to make them work and produce results.

How to use the power of feelings and emotions in a practical way?
In order to make your thoughts come true, you need to charge them with emotional energy. Thoughts that are charged with emotional energy have greater affect and can drive into action. This is one of the secrets of using successfully the techniques of creative visualization.
If you want to achieve anything through creative visualization you need to energize your thoughts. You can do so by producing positive and happy feelings of success and happiness, and associating them with your goal.
All of us have experienced at least some sort of success or happiness in our life. Even small manifestations of success count. Think and find out such past moments. Remind yourself of that success or happiness and relive it in your imagination. Visualize the event as clearly as you can, and let the positive and happy feelings you experienced at that time become alive again. Relive and relish the happiness, exhilaration and feeling of success that you have awakened.
While in this mental and emotional state, start visualizing your current goal, while at the same time continuing to relive in your imagination the feelings and emotions you have awakened. Associate those feelings with your present goal. Feel as if you have already accomplished your goal, and you are feeling great, happy and satisfied. This action will inject energy into your thoughts and make them stronger.
In time, you will be able arouse feelings of success and accomplishment, without the need to use this method.
By charging your thoughts with emotional energy you can accomplish wonders. You set powers into action that will bring you the opportunities, tools or people necessary to accomplish your goals.
If you find this subject interesting and intriguing, click here, to find more detailed information, advice and instructions for using the power of thoughts and creative visualization in your life.

Creative Visualization

Information, tips and advice on creative visualization, and how to use it to create changes, improvement and success in your life.
Creative visualization is a mental technique for making your desires and dreams come true. Its tools are your imagination and thoughts, and it takes advantage of certain mental laws. Used correctly, creative visualization can attract success and prosperity into your life.

Articles on creative visualization, written by Remez Sasson.

  1. Creative Visualization - Part I
    Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to make dreams come true. Used in the right way, creative visualization can improve our life and attract success and prosperity...
  2. Creative Visualization - Part II
    Concise Guidelines for Creative Visualization: define your goal, think, meditate and listen to your intuition to ascertain that you really desire to attain this goal...
  3. Success & Creative Visualization
    You can harness the power of creative visualization to help you improve every area of your life. It is a power you use everyday, whether you are conscious of it...
  4. Creative Visualization & Daily Tasks
    I have found out that creative visualization can help us in our daily tasks, by making everything flow more easily, and with less energy expenditure. We constantly shape our daily events ...
  5. Creative Visualization - Key to Success
    Pay attention to the thoughts and images that pass through your mind. Find out which of them comes often into your mind. Do you like what you have found...
  6. Visualizing & Letting Go
    If you have read about creative visualization you have most probably been told to visualize, and then release the mental image to the Universe, otherwise it won't materialize...
  7. Visualization & Imagination
    Visualization is an activity, which all of us perform every day. We plan and conduct our life according to the images that rotate in our minds. All the strivings, desires and ambitions have much to do with...
  8. Feelings & Emotions Energize Thoughts
    Most of you have probably heard or read about creative visualization. Some of you have perhaps tried it. The idea is that by visualizing a mental image of a desired object or situation...
  9. Losing Weight with Creative Visualization
    Creative visualization is a great tool for losing weight. By visualizing your body as you want it to be, you induce your subconscious mind to shape your body to look as close to your mental image...
  10. Creative Visualization and Letting Go
    Your predominant thoughts and mental attitude affect, and interfere, with whatever you think about. You may be able to disregard them and think positively for a few minutes, but after a little while they win...
  11. Visualization and Winning the Lottery
    It is the same if you wish to own a house, have a new T.V. set, a pair of shoes or a laptop. The same process works if you wish to own a successful business. With lottery it is different...
  12. Why Creative Visualization Works
    Experience has shown that creative visualization works. It is quite possible to prove that circumstances and events follow thoughts. Take any situation or happening in your life...

Articles on Creative Visualization by Guest Authors

  1. Your Imagination, the Ultimate Success Tool - by Tom Busch
    In order to achieve your goals and attain new levels of success, put your imagination to work. Get into the habit of visualizing your goals as if they are already happening. Talk to yourself as if you are already achieving that success that up until now you've only dreamed of...
  2. Passion, Ambition, and Desire - by Dorina Sasson
    Passion, ambition and desire are the driving forces that lead to success, without them, your goal cannot be accomplished...

More articles on creative visualization at the blog